Библиотека курортолога«МАТЕРИАЛЫ Международного научного конгресса и 62-й сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи Всемирной Федерации Водолечения и Климатолечения (ФЕМТЕК)» → CRYOTHERAPY IN COMPLEX REHABILITATION TREATMENT OF RHEUMATOID ARTRITIS


Dobra P., Zhuravljov V., Dobra L.

Department of spa therapy, medical rehabilitation and physiotherapy, Spa resort «Carpathy», State University, Uzhgorod, Ukraine

(recreatia@ukr.net, mob +38 050 372 0230)

Cryotherapy is a section of physiotherapy including physical methods of treatment which distinctive feature is the application of cold as the basic operating physical factor.

The research investigations of last years have demonstrated the great therapeutic opportunities of extremely low temperatures. Cryotherapy as well has a positive influence on a general well-being, on rheumatoid arthritis treatment, prophylaxis of cardiovascular and acute respiratory diseases. It is low-cost and effective method of treatment, which makes analgetic, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic and motion correction effects. Main effects of cryotherapy can be explained by the influence of microcirculation effect and individual reaction of patients.

The aim of our study: investigation of effectiveness of using cryotherapy in complex rehabilitation treatment (Spa resort Carpathy) of 146 patients afflicted with a rheumatoid arthritis. Course of cryotherapy in cryosauna includes 5-12 séances, duration 1-3 min. For the analysis of damaged joints condition some clinical, instrumental and laboratory tests and also the assessment of life quality and the effectiveness of cryotherapy in rehabilitation treatment were used.

All patients had positive results of studied tests after treatment course, no side effects of cryotherapy were found. Meantime using of cryotherapy increased the effectiveness of basic medical therapy of rheumatoid arthritis on 20-40%. All patients undergoing the complex treatment had strong rehabilitation effect during 0,5-2 years, which slow down the progression of the disease and prevent the complications.

The complex rehabilitation treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis with cryotherapy in cryosauna provides clinically important and statistically significant improvement in disease activity, physical function, and rate of damage progression. Using of cryotherapy in cryosauna in complex rehabilitation treatment on spa resorts can be strongly recommended for patients afflicted with a rheumatoid arthritis.

Resume. 46 patients with rheumatoid arthritis were observed. For the analysis of damaged joints condition some clinical, instrumental and laboratory tests and also the assessment of life quality and the effectiveness of cryotherapy in cryosauna in rehabilitation treatment were used. Significant analgetic, anti-inflammatory and motion correction effects of cryotherapy leading to the improvement of complex rehabilitation therapy effectiveness on spa resort and life quality of patients were detected.

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