Библиотека курортолога«Материалы Международного научного конгресса. 60-ая сессия Генеральной Ассамблеи Всемирной Федерации Водолечения и Климатолечения (ФЕМТЕК)» → MODERN COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES IN THE OBJECTIFICATION OF THE FACILITIES IN SANATORIA AND HEALTH RESORTS FOR ENGINEERS (LOCOMOTIVE DRIVERS)



Polishchuk B.A.

Sanatorium «Mys Vidnyi», Sochi, Russia


Rehabilitation medicine now is the priority tendency in a care of public health, it’s obliged to look for the new methods of impartial assessment of the individual health reserves, its action and the estimation of the effectiveness of the medical treatment. The investigator and the author of this article explored the possibilities of the new method and approved the apparatus programmed complex -"Sources of the Health«. Parameters of the health are divided into four levels (%): the optimum state of the health (76-100), suboptimum (51-75), ailment (26-50), illness or any disease (to 25). We made a careful study of the group of patients (which consists of 40 persons: 31-l ocomotive drivers and 9-assistants of locomotive drivers),whose entered and used the facilities in the sanatorium and health resorts on the occasion of dorsopatia. The middle age of the group is 45-48 years old. The period of staying in the sanatorium is 17 days. The examination of the individual health of the patients was held after the third-days of acclimatization, before and after complex rehabilitation treatment of the health. The standard of any indices is 100 per cent. The analysis of the received findings were displayed the decline in all standards of individual health reserves and only in four cases were the standard of the homoestatistic component. On the first place is the lowing of the physical possibilities, which were observed by all patients and we got the result- 11,3%. In twenty cases the lowing of physical possibilities was 0 — 5,0%. On the second place of decline the medical standards was the lowing of functional sources of the central nervous system (CNS), which were formed in the group — 56,8%. In 28 cases the reason was an over weight. In 15 cases the reason was the high blood pressure.

After careful analysis of all our studying standards of individual health reserves in the dynamics (in average) in the group was: before the rehabilitation treatment (RT) 28,3 and after −35,3 (this is the level of ailment or before sickness). After RT all the standards of physical possibilities were increased from 11,3 till 14,5, physical possibilities of CNS were increased from 56,8 till 66,6 in the group. The somatic component before RT was 24,7 and after RT was increased till 29,7. The psycho emotional component before RT was 65,6 after RT was increased till 73,0. The homoestatistic component before RT was 45,6 after RT was increased till 55,6. In some observed cases were reduction of studying standards: in common seven cases the reason was the alcohol abused. In seven cases of somatic component and in 17 cases of psycho emotional component the reason or reduction standards was the alarm about accumulated (unsettled) problems. There weren’t any movement of standard in 6 cases. But we continued our research work.

Conclusions (shot summary): so the apparatus programmed complex «Sources of the Health» can be used to diagnose the standards of the individual health reserves before and after rehabilitation treatment in sanatoria and health resorts. The most positive dynamics is observed of locomotive drivers, who spent 21 days in sanatorium. The lowing of health standards of physical possibilities of some patients were connected with non-observance the medical treatment. With the help of the new apparatus programmed complex we can find out the weak parts or breaches in the basic systems of the human organism and provide the correction of these weak systems of the body, and determine the optimal rehabilitation treatment.

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